Mount Holly EAC, Chair
Zachary Klein
Environment Committee Secretary
Kayla Wallace
The Mount Holly Environmental Committee also serves as the Township's Green Team. The Green Team leverages the skills and expertise of its members to develop plans, implement programs, and assist with educational opportunities that support the creation of a sustainable community.
The Green team works on achieving approved action items under the Sustainable Jersey Program. In 2016, the EAC / Green Team achieved a silver certification from Sustainable Jersey. The certification can be viewed from the link below.
The Green Team has worked on a number of projects over the years including the Forest Restoration Project on the Mount utilizing a $20,000 grant awarded to the Green Team from Sustainable Jersey. The Green Team continues to maintain the Mount by a yearly Ivy pull of the English Ivy where it is re- establishing itself.
A more recent project has been the completion of a Butterfly Garden on an underutilized lot on High Street in front of the Verizon Building (next to the Friends Meeting House). This project was funded by a grant from the Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions (ANJEC).
Additional Green Team Members : Beatrice Brolo, Dawn Brenner, Jeffrey Reeve