
NJ- Mount Holly Township (2010 Census Data)
Total Population 9,536


Housing Status
( in housing units unless noted )
Total 3,861
Occupied 3,456
Owner-occupied 2,317
Population in owner-occupied
( number of individuals )
Renter-occupied 1,139
Population in renter-occupied
(number of individuals)
Households with individuals under 18 1,154
Vacant 405
Vacant: for rent 119
Vacant: for sale 59


Population by Sex/Age
Male 4,834
Female 4,702
Under 18 2,245
18 & over 7,291
20 - 24 632
25 - 34 1,447
35 - 49 2,034
50 - 64 1,842
65 & over 1,054


Population by Ethnicity
Hispanic or Latino 1,210
Non Hispanic or Latino 8,326


Population by Race
White 6,253
African American 2,203
Asian 140
American Indian and Alaska Native 35
Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander 7
Other 409
Identified by two or more 489